Guess Who's Coming To Town?!?!?!
One of the advantages of being married to a business reporter is sometimes I get some juicy info before anybody else knows about it! And tonight my hubby let it slip that my FAVORITE SHOW EVER is coming to town!!!!
Yes ladies and gentlemen you heard it first from me Mr. Ty Pennington himself will be coming to town to "MOVE THAT BUS!"

I cannot express how excited I am, and I am super stoked to find out if I can volunteer to help out! I will keep you guys posted as I find out any more details.
Great to see you this week Kadie! I love this show too, and cry every time. You will have to let us know if you get to help out!
Way COOL! I wonder when they're coming...I totally wanna check it out even if I'm one of those people holding a BIG OL' SIGN in the crowd! Hey wait a minute I have a few tools laying around this dump of mine :)
so cool, keep us posted. I wanna go in and take a bat to the house for demolition day!
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