Inspiring Thursdays - Anthropologie
Since I talked about Burberry last time I thought I'd mention another fashion company that always inspires me with their beautiful ad campaigns, window displays, and with who's stuff I'm simple in love: ANTHROPLOGIE!
I love this store and my best friend is obsessed with it, we are constantly stalking the sale section in the back and wishing our little pocket books would let up venture out into the other areas of the store. Every is just so darn cute! And it's not just their stuff, their advertising is always awesome! I get their catalog in the mail every time they send out a new one and I have compiled quite a little collection of them that I flip through from time to time for ideas. Take a look as some of their awesome advertising images!

I LOVE Anthropologie, everything about it! The clothes, the store, the images in the catalog. I also browse through the catalog for image inspiration. All that to say, great post!
Just wanted to say that I LOVE your Inspiring Thursdays. I just went through each one and can't wait to see more.
My husband was laughing when he sent me to your blog because it looks like you and I have similar Thursdays! I'm always force feeding him Anthropologie inspiration for our photos! :-)
I do the same exact thing Kadie! I have a mini stack of their catalogs at home that I browse through when I'm in need of some inspiration. Love going to the store every now and then just to see what they've got for decorations and window displays!!
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