Kayaks, Clowns, Sharks and Blue Hawaiians
I'm Back!!! I had so much fun visiting my parents but it feels so good to be sitting in my own home again tonight! You never really realize just how comfortable your own bed really is until you are having to sleep on other peoples for a long period of time! I know I was a horrible blogger while I was gone, I totally meant to share photos and talk about how I spent my days on the island, but with how busy we have been once I set foot on Oahu my body went into shut down vacation mode and I barley even touched my computer the whole time I was gone! (for a girl who spends almost 7-8 hours a day at her laptop... this is huge lol) In other words I needed to unwind and unplug and stop trying to do five million things in one day. So it was a good thing. But to give you a little run down of what I was up to while I was there here was my basic schedule:
Day 1: Arrive after a 6 hour plane flight, go out to lunch with my mom, relax at my parents new home
Day 2: Head over to Haleiwa and do some shopping (where I bought the cutest little swim suit on clearance) Later that night my mom got tickets for us to see a show in downtown Honolulu. It was a really odd/interesting/funny/experiential clown show. Where at one point I was carried out of the audience by clowns and up onto the stage where I was told to run around with them chasing after me. After my brief moment of fame I was firmly grasped by the wrist by a tall man who quickly dragged me around in utter darkness backstage and finally popped me out a side door with a quick "thank you".

Day 3: I had the brilliant idea that since I'm not really a "beach girl" per-say, I wanted to go kayaking in the ocean. And because I have some strange inability to do any type of exercise without a purpose I decided it would be fun to kayak to a small uninhabited nearby island about a mile off shore. Well this WAS a great idea until we discovered the point at which we had to put in with our Kayaks was not the ideal spot and much further down the beach lengthening my short little jaunt into a 4 mile kayak ride. And although I practically bathed in sunscreen... I fried... and when I say fried, I mean baked like a lobster. Not only that but since I was in a rather odd sitting position in our kayak for the 4 miles (and roughly 4 hours) I manifested the ugliest tans lines ever. Ever. This would not be so bad except for the fact that I am a bridesmaid in my brother-in-laws wedding on the 5th and we all have to wear short little summer dresses. Can we say tanning salon!?

Day 4: After my brilliant idea the day before my father and I who were quite baked decided that it might be a good idea to avoid as much sun as possible the next day so we all just hopped in my mom's new little mini cooper and took a tour of the island randomly hopping out along the way to take photos... (some of those to come at the end of this post!)

Day 5: Again with me and my brilliant ideas. As you all probably know by now, I am afraid of fish. Not just a little, but a lot. The whole time we were kayaking I kept seeing things in the water and almost having panic attacks and had to just keep telling myself that everything I saw was a rock. Well, I had decided that it is high time I got over this silly fear. So my smart little brains says... "hey I know what would be a good way for me to get comfortable with fish... let's throw me in a shark cage three miles out to sea and let 20 sharks swim all around me!" Ummm... yeah.... how I thought this was a good idea I'm not sure. Anyway, I found myself on a boat at 5:30 in the morning my 5th day on the island with my father heading three miles out to sea to be thrown in with the sharks. When we got out there the man on the boat asked who wanted to hop in the cage first and looked right at me. I quickly slunk in the corner and tried to make myself invisible hoping and praying for someone to volunteer. Finally they did and I was glad to whiteness other people going in the cage and coming out alive and all in one piece before I hopped in there. All in all I did pretty well, when I came my turn I got in and toughed it out. I can't say it cured my fear of fish but it was fun in a rather odd scary way.
Later that day (since we did do the shark thing at 6am...) my mom and dad and I all went down to Waikiki beach and walked around the street vendors (where I was attacked by a very serious little asian woman wanting me to buy a pendant for a necklace... lol). After that we went down the beach, and went into one of the cafe's where I had my first blue hawaiian and within 5 min promptly spilt it all over myself. I am just that cool.

Day 6: After the excitement of the previous days my Mom and I decided to explore the rest of the island and snap some more photos. Here's a couple pictures she snapped of me on Sunset beach... right before a huge rouge wave came up from behind me and got me totally soaked... the sea it seems... doesn't care much for me either...

Day 7: This day was spent with my favorite vacation pastime, SHOPPING! Oh and we had to stop and grab some of the famous Hawaiian Malasadas... which I have decided taste no different than a doughnut with no hole in the middle...

Day 8: My last full day with my mom she took me to an outdoor swap meet where tons of vendors come and sell hawaiian trinkets. I had great luck and found some super cute stuff! We had a really nice relaxed lunch right on the beach with the waves crashing against the shore and live hawaiian music being played in the background. It was the perfect way to end a great trip!

Day 9: Pack up and fly home :(
Like I mentioned my mom and I had a couple days when we drove around and took photos, here are a few of the ones that caught my eye looking back through them... Enjoy!

Sounds like a fun trip :) Awesome photos at the end!! I especially love the third one of the ocean and rocks. Sorry you had to leave!!
AWESOME TRIP!!! Looks like you had tons & tons of fun in the sun. Lovin' the landscape pics you got!!!
Wow what amazing landscape. Love all the other pictures too, looks like you had so much fun!
WOW! Just wow!!! Ummm Ansel Adams called and he wants his photos back. ;)
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