Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Rachel + Adam: Engaged

It feels so good to blog again! I have been running around and traveling like crazy and it's been hard to keep up! But I just HAD to share this engagement session. While I was back in Tucson for a few weeks a bit ago I got to get together with Rachel and Adam who you may remember from THIS epic photo we took last year for them for their save the date cards. Well now that we are a little closer to their actual wedding date we got together and did their full engagement session, and it was AWESOME! A special big thank you to Travis Williams for coming out and assisting me for this one too!

Ok onto photos!

First we started off in my favorite warehouse... which by the way I am super bummed not to have to shoot in anymore now that I'm moving! I'll just have to come home to Tucson to visit a lot I guess lol... And let me just say... Rachel and Adam were super stars, they were totally up for anything and looked amazing, they made my job a cake walk...


Love this!

Rachel has the most amazing legs... so jealous...

It's always funny when I tell guys to give me a serious face, sometimes it looks more like "I am in the mafia and I have come to kill you and your entire family" and sometimes they nail it... adam nailed it... so GQ...

This make me happy <3

And who can resist a beat up old orange VW? I know I can't...

Slug bug by the way... :)

A quick outfit change later and we took a few more casual images over at the Arizona Inn for a bit... I love the tender sweetness in this image...

I love how Rachel and Adam love each other, you can't help but see it...

love this one...

and this one...

ok I just love all of these really...


Ok after last quick outfit change we headed downtown for a few last images of the day, stopping off at my all time favorite downtown location The Hotel Congress.

This may be one of my favorite images I've taken... it's so timeless and everything about it just oozes romance... it's like a scene from a movie! These two are seriously gorgeous...

A little bling and a little laughter... what more can a girl ask for lol...

Seriously, don't these look like stills out of some romance movie!?

Rachel, you are gorgeous...

After we finished our drinks and the sun set we wandered around just a tad and snagged a few last images of the night... I'm pretty excited we did!

I love all of these so much!

This one, I have to say is probably one of my favorites just because I have been wanting to try it for a while and finally got a chance to... (all natural lighting by the way, lit only by the ambient light in the tunnel) how cool is that!?

Two more just with the ambient lighting...

And then one with flash just because we can :)

A HUGE thank you again to Travis Williams for all his help on this shoot and of course to Rachel and Adam for totally going along with every crazy idea of mine. I love you all and can't wait for your wedding!!!!

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